One second-generation Android smartphone has been officially launched in India through a series of Lava Pixel V1. Previously it has been revealed that the smartphone bongsor made by Lava is a second-generation Android One. One of the advantages of the Android One series is a guarantee update from Google for 2 full years.
Lava Mobile Pixel V1 comes with a fairly elegant design with a rather large size. This makes operation with one hand to be rather difficult. Corresponding previous news, Lava Pixel V1 sold for $ 177 or about Rp 2.3 million.
Lava Pixel V1 which is the second-generation Android One phone is the touch screen measuring 5.5 inches with HD resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels with a density of 267 pixels per screen inch reach and using the IPS panel technology (In-Plane Switching), as well as protected Asahi Dragontrail Glass. Lava Pixel V1 operating system brings the latest Android 5.1.1 Lollipop and is guaranteed for 2 years update from Google.
The performance offered by the smartphone Lava Pixel V1 can be said to be slightly increased compared to the first generation Android One is powered by MediaTek MT6582 chipset that brings quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 with a speed of 1.3 GHz, combined with 2GB of RAM memory and supported by the graphics processor of the Mali-400MP2.
Lava V1 rely Pixel main camera with a resolution of 8 megapixels which can be interpolated up to 13 megapixel embedded autofocus feature that comes with LED flash. One second-generation Android phone is also supported by a front camera with 5 megapixel resolution for photo selfie that can be interpolated up to 8 megapixels. This smartphone is equipped with a battery capacity of 2650mAh.
This smartphone is quite complete connectivity with support for dual SIM, 3G HSPA, WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth. Lava V1 Pixel is powered by a 16GB internal memory with support for microSD slot for external memory expansion. One disadvantage of this phone is the absence of support for 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution).